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How To Find The Right Marketing Company
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As a consumer and business owner, I too go through the journey of finding that “right fit” when it comes to services and products. As business owners, sometimes we just don’t know what we want, what we need, or if this is right for us.

Most of our customers have told us at one point in time, “I wish I would have found you the first time.” Why didn’t they find us the first time? Most of the time, the reason is simple, “you don’t know what you don’t know.”

When it comes to finding the United States marketing company that is perfect for you, what do you do? You Google it, right?


So let’s say you found that “United States based Marketing Company.” Now what? You ask questions! If they don’t want to take the time and answer questions and are uncomfortable with your microscope, then run!

Obviously this quick list will need some additions depending on your preference. Is their style of communication or payment options important to you, etc., will be based on your preference, so think about those and ask, ask, ask.

Let’s start with some basic questions:

What is your background?

This is important. You don’t need a marketing degree to be great at marketing, but experience actually doing some form of creativity for a bit of time is very important. I had a boss that was an ex-ranger and was the best marketing director I had ever seen. His experience came from helping his dad with his small business on the side while serving in the Army for 10 years. What made him so great was his ability to lead and his creativity and challenges he experienced while working with his dad.

Do you work alone or are there other team members I can expect to work with?

Now, that might seem to be an odd question, but it really isn’t. Let’s say the person you have been working with all of a sudden ends up in the hospital and they are in the middle of working on your website. Who is going to pick up where they left off? Do you work around their vacation schedule or does business proceed as usual? I don’t know about you, but my business shouldn’t stop because of another’s schedule or unfortunates.

Does your company provide its team with continued education?

Another off the wall question. I put this one in there for a simple reason. The majority of marketing is conducted online and as most of us know, the online world is ever-changing. Don’t you want a marketing company that is up-to-speed with the latest information in their field? I know that if my CPA didn’t follow up with the latest IRS laws or have some form of continued education, I wouldn’t give them a second look. Just like you tell your CPA or Financial Planner, “This is my money we are talking about,” it also applies to the marketing company you are hoping to find. It’s not only your money, it’s your brand, it’s what makes you money and brings your customers to your door.

These are just a few questions I would consider when looking for that perfect fit and can also be applied to your search for professionals in other industries, like attorneys, CPAs, painters, brokers, etc.

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